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Latest resisitivity results from Colemore

The latest resistivity results at Colemore are shown here imported into our QGIS software so that you can see them in relation to our past trenches:

Hi-res resistivity 10 May.png

To help you understand this:

  • The magenta rectangle is the boundary enclosure ditch, probably Iron Age;

  • The orange rectangles are where we have dug trenches; and

  • The white squares and rectangles are where we have dug test pits.


Many of the features seen lie within the area of the Romano-British 'villa' we have been excavating - you may remember that the large square room (7 x 7m) was in Trench L.


The features we had not noticed before are in the area to the bottom-left and bottom-centre of the area scanned.  Hopefully we can put a test pit here in the autumn.

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