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Community archaeology in
Hampshire, UK


Activities for 2024

Please note that, unless otherwise stated, all events are for members of Liss Archaeology only, for liability insurance reasons.

For membership information, further information, queries from college and university students seeking practical experience, or to volunteer to help with events, please contact us by email at

Spring Dig - Colemore - 25 April to 28 May 2024

This dig has been completed and was very successful. We excavated 4 trenches and these revealed more of the northern end of the foundations of the Romano-British villa structure, with several walls thought to be of different dates, as well as a section of the deep Iron Age ladder enclosure ditches and an intriguing paved or cobbled area which sloped downwards to what some speculate might have been a well. We will not know for sure until we re-open and extend some of the trenches on our next Colemore dig. We also had some lovely finds.


Summer Dig - Petersfield Big Dig - 12 to 29 July 2024

Following our successful dig in the town last year we will again be carrying out explorations on several exciting sites in Petersfield, on land owned by the Town Council and in several private gardens around The Spain and Sheep Street.


Although the dig will be undertaken by members, we intend that local residents including children will be able to participate to some extent and watch our progress. More information on the specific locations in the town will be provided nearer the time on the Big Dig website and we expect to be asking members to help with preliminary geophysics surveys (magnetometry and resistivity), in mid-June. Days off during the dig will be Wednesdays.


Online booking is now closed.  Email for availability.


Autumn Dig - Near Petersfield - 5 Sep to 30 Sep 2024

We had hoped last year to continue our annual dig on a farm near Petersfield but were prevented from doing so by the effect the bad weather had on the harvest. Explorations on the farm have revealed two main areas of Romano-British activity but geophysics last year also indicated an area of interest from a later period.



This dig is also for members only. Training will be provided for new members. More details will be sent to members once dates are confirmed.


Booking is now closed email for availability


Geophysics surveys, throughout the year

The Fieldwork Committee has a list of potential sites that we have been asked to scan, using our non-destructive geophysics techniques - resistivity and magnetometry. These events often have to be arranged at short notice, depending on the landowners, weather forecasts and the condition of the ground being surveyed.


Requests for volunteers to help with scans will usually be circulated by email to members.

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