CM418 - a guided tour of the site
Something a bit different - an overview by drone of the Colemore dig site at lunchtime today.
CM418 - a guided tour of the site
CM418 - 12-14 May progress
CM 418 - Young visitors and digging deep
CM418 - Sunshine and heat
CM 418 - Sunshine and lots of progress
CM418 - 23 April (St George's Day)
The area of focus of CM917
Colemore dig CM917 Day 1- some photos
CM917 - Set-up Day
The autumn dig at Colemore
CM517 - sunshine and barbecue
CM517 - thunder & lightning
CM517 Day 17 - rain stopped play
CM517 - a hectic couple of days
CM 517 Day 12 - Showers and Sparsholt
CM517 Day 11 and it was scorching
CM517 Days 7 & 8 - and it is starting to get interesting
CM517 - a cold and rainy Day 5
CM517 Day 4 - May Day
Colemore Spring Dig - Day 2